Web Design Contract

Web Design, Hosting, and Maintenance Contract

1. Scope of Services:

Stemn Enterprise agrees to provide the following services: Design, Host and Service an Ecommerce Website.

2. Payment Agreement:

Client agrees to the following payment terms:

  • A down payment of TBD.00 is due upon signing this contract.
  • A monthly deposit of $TBD.00 will be paid by the Client. This monthly deposit will be split as follows:
    • $TBD.00 for hosting services.
    • $TBD.00 for storage services.
    • $TBD.00 for maintenance services.

3. Contract Duration:

This contract shall be in effect for a duration of one (1) year from the date of signing, unless otherwise terminated as specified below.

4. The Client has the option to resign or terminate this contract at any time with written notice to Stemn Enterprise. In the event of early termination, any outstanding payments for services rendered up to the termination date shall be paid by the Client.

5. Project Timeline:

The Web Designer shall deliver the completed website to the Client no later than one month after receiving ALL contents from the Client.

6. Client Responsibilities:

Client shall provide Web Designer with all necessary content and other information for the website.

7. Technical Support:

Web Designer shall provide a minimum of [Number Of Hours Agreed Upon] hours of technical support per month for the website.

8. Browser Compatibility:

Web Designer shall update the website to ensure compatibility with all major web browsers.

9. Backup:

Web Designer shall provide Client with a back-up of the website and related files upon completing the website.

10. Confidentiality:

Web Designer shall not use Client’s confidential information for any purpose other than the development and maintenance of the website.

11. Governing Law:

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Dakota.